So Matt was in our groomsman Chad's wedding on 1-9-09 in Blacksburg VA. We love Chad and Lindsay so much and it was a blessing to get to take part in this wedding! We stayed with Grant and Jen, he was the best man, she was like me, a lonely and dejected wife. Just kidding! We did get to hang out a lot though, which was really fun! I feel much closer to her now! So here are the few pics we got; we mostly have video since that is what Matt likes to do for weddings!
The bride to be and me-L squared...actually, Lynsey (Lindsay) squared!
We stayed with them!
During the wedding
Don't they look great! Matt...stop talking!
Toast time!

We're going to go on a vacation with them!! YAY!!
Admit it...we're fun!
This was the only G rated part of the "get away" car! No seriously, all other photos are XXX

We hung out, it was great!
Of course I was wild on the dance floor! Linds had some FUN friends!