There are these toilets in Frisco that automatically clean themselves in between uses. We found them fasincating, itsn't that sad? Happily, or pathetically, we were not the only ones who thought this was a great new invention as there were many people who would stand and look at the magical toilet in wonder. Jonny decided to beat on the toilet while Matt was using it. It was pretty funny. There were other people waiting to use it when we were abusing, I mean harrasing, I mean utilizing it ourselves. They looked worried.
On our walk to the baseball stadium, we passed this large metal sculpture to which Jonny said, I bet I can climb that. So since we are not his parents, we said go for it while we watch and cheer you on. As he neared the top, more people stopped to cheer him on and offer advice on how to scale the entire thing. He didn't get all the way to the top since it was high, slippery, twisty, and kinda scary.
We walked up to Coite tower but didn't go to the top. It was a long walk up the hill and so I took a pic to document our triumph up! There were more people driving up to the top which I don't blame them at all for that! It was a pretty view up there, a nice one of the Golden Gate and the fog that was rolling it. It got pretty foggy as the day wore on and it was cool looking out at the bridge! Sadly, no pics. And we didn't bring the big lense for our SLR. That is a must for our next Frisco trip.
Also, we grabbed some Chowda at the Sea Lion Cafe which offered a fantastic view of all the sea lions sun bathing by the pier. They were loud and crawled all over one another which was funny to watch. All in all it was a fun day and we are looking forward to our next trip there.