January 14, 2009

A Blacksburg Wedding

So Matt was in our groomsman Chad's wedding on 1-9-09 in Blacksburg VA. We love Chad and Lindsay so much and it was a blessing to get to take part in this wedding! We stayed with Grant and Jen, he was the best man, she was like me, a lonely and dejected wife. Just kidding! We did get to hang out a lot though, which was really fun! I feel much closer to her now! So here are the few pics we got; we mostly have video since that is what Matt likes to do for weddings!

The bride to be and me-L squared...actually, Lynsey (Lindsay) squared!

We stayed with them!

During the wedding

Don't they look great! Matt...stop talking!

Toast time!

We're going to go on a vacation with them!! YAY!!

Admit it...we're fun!

This was the only G rated part of the "get away" car! No seriously, all other photos are XXX

We hung out, it was great!

Of course I was wild on the dance floor! Linds had some FUN friends!

Oh the places we go....

While on our world...ok maybe not WORLD...but USA wide travels, we got to go to DC while visiting Matt's fam in SOMD....that's southern Maryland in case you aren't in the "know". Although I am a anti-city person, I do enjoy a good trip to DC every now and then...last time I was there it was 2 years ago. On this trips agenda we went to the art museum, of course, the natural history museum, which just spent 84 million dollars on a new underwater life exhibit, and the WWII monument, Matt hadn't been yet. To get to the WWII monument, you must pass the Washington monument and it's on the way to the reflecting pool and Lincons monument. So, you get to see a lot in no time, yay for DC! Well really, yay to any big city. So here are pretty much the only pictures we got while we were there. We also met up with our bestman and his wife for dinner.
Yup, thats us...right at sunset

WWII monument and the Washington in back

Mounted policeman meet park ranger...oh yes it's true, "the mall" is a national park who needs park rangers...

Twins? yes, yes they are!

There's something growing out of our heads!

Oh good, it's just the Washington Monument!

There is NO resemblance at all!!

He was hard to catch but we finally did!

Steve, Sarah, and Matt, by an elephant

Jacki's Wedding....a New Year's Event!

All I can say is that Jacki's wedding was super fun and amazing!! I feel so honored that she had me as the maid (I know...matron, it just makes me sound SO OLD!) of honor! They are truly a great couple and she is my best friend ever! They both looked amazing (as you will see!)...seriously, super model material here folks! Enjoy the "behind the scenes" pics that only yours truly got to take!

Seriously...SUPER MODELS!!!