Now I said I would be honest and real about baby life on here so I'm going to share some of the birth with you all. Don't worry, I won't go into too much detail ;) Basically my water broke first, with no contractions happening before hand; it was intense from the beginning. With no fluids in there, there was no cushion for him to float around in so contractions were really tough. And they started out three minutes apart. So I really didn't get eased into labor, lucky me! We only stayed home a few hours because with the contractions being so close together we were unsure if I was going to actually have him rather quickly.
When we got to the hospital (at about 1 am), the midwife checked me and I was only 3 cm dilated-so not much. So we settled in for what was looking to be a long night. As time went on, the contractions were growing in intensity and were getting closer together, about 2-3 minutes apart. Along with the intensity I also had back labor (oh so fun) and lots of pressure, downtown. We'll just leave it at that. After being checked again at about 7 or 8 am, I wasn't dilated much more so I asked for an epidural. As much as I didn't want to have one, I'm so glad that I did! As soon as the doc shot me up, relief. I could finally sleep! And stop convulsing-I didn't know that was something that could happen in labor. Apparently hormones and pain can make you shake uncontrollably.
After the epidural I slept, for several hours. That rest made all the difference. I awoke to being almost ready to push. James just needed to get a little further south and we were good to go. So in those 2 hours before it was time to push, Matt and I just chatted and rested, preparing as best we could that we were about to have a baby. I realize now that nothing can prepare you for this-maybe physically I was prepared but mentally it still hadn't hit me.
Now when it came time to push, we found out why I was having so much pressure downtown; James was "sunny side up," meaning his face was up and the back of his head was against my pelvis and spine. So our lovely midwife looked at me and said "ok, you're probably going to have to push longer than an hour because of the epidural and that he's sunny side up. Those two factors make it a lot harder work. Are you ready?" I was and was not at the same time but said let's do this.
So there we were, Matt holding a leg and being so encouraging. The midwife talking me through it all and letting me know what was going on. And worship music playing the whole time, helping to keep my focus on the task at hand, and to keep me in a prayerful mindset as well. It was so cool really. The nurse working asked about my play list, if it was on Pandora or if it was one I had made (I made a sweet list for my ipod which everyone loved). To have both the midwife and nurse humming and singing along with the worship songs was such a blessing. In the midst of this terribly physically grueling task, we were all so calm and focused, casually chatting in between contractions/pushing. The next day that same, awesome, nurse said that ours was one of the most peaceful births she had ever helped with. That we were so calm, and with the worship music, it was nice to be part of. I feel like there is no higher compliment that can be made-and it's all because the Lord was with us the whole time.
So after only one hour of pushing, James came into our lives. Now you know how Matt and I are; we're not the most emotional of folks. But my beloved, sweet husband hugged and kissed me with tears in his eyes, thanking Jesus for our little guy and his safe arrival. Me? I was in shock. When they put James on my chest, I just looked at Matt and said holy crap. I couldn't really believe that I had a kiddo to love and care for. I know, I had 9 months to prepare for that moment. But nothing prepares you for actually holding and seeing this life for the first time. It was very surreal. Even now, two weeks later, I look at him and think, holy crap, I've got this little one to care for.
Now I had been told by several ladies that giving birth is like the most satisfying poo you'll ever take in your life. I don't know what kinds of poos they have but that is not what I would liken the experience to! It was very relieving to get him out that's for sure! Apparently the fact that it only took an hour to shove him out was rather impressive as well. The midwife and all the nurses told me that it was a sort of accomplishment. I chock it up to all the hard work I had been doing the whole pregnancy. That. And the fact that I am a beast and really didn't want to have to work longer than necessary.
The funniest part of this whole experience is when I passed out on the toilet. Yes, I really did! Apparently this is also common. After the epidural wore off and we were getting ready to shift over to the recovery room, the nurses said ok let's get up, have you pee and change. As I stood up, I felt all my guts start to tumble and fall back into place. This is a weird feeling. It's like that sinking feeling you get in your stomach when it lurches after a big hill or roller coaster, but on every kind of crack, speed, dope, and upper you could possibly think of. In truth it made me a little nauseated. But I soldiered on. We slowly get to the potty where I was stripped down to being naked as a jay bird, sit down, and get light headed, which I tell the nurse. She then gets some smelling salts and wafts it under my nose. Now for a person who is terribly sensitive to smells and such, this was torture. I've never done drugs but I imagine that the sensation I felt must compare to that first hit of some good smack, immediate and mind numbing. I know it's supposed to shock you back into reality but it just made my head explode. So I told her, "that made it worse!" What does she do? Wafts it again!! Next thing I know, I've got three faces staring at me asking "are you ok?" Of course my response is "why wouldn't I be ok?" "You passed out." Oh. Well then. Mind you, I'm still naked as can be but now have a larger audience. There's nothing like waking up butt naked to complete strangers. And there was Matt, peaking around the door, checking to make sure I'm ok. He lasted there just a few minutes before going to back James who was also getting cleaned up. The funny thing is I didn't know I had passed out because I still heard music playing in my head so I didn't think anything of it. People had told me that any modesty you have goes out the window when you have a baby-you don't care who sees what so long as that thing gets out of you. Not me. I was still very aware of the fact that more people than I cared to count were witnessing me so unbearably vulnerable that I was still shy about it. I'm a modest gal. Having a baby really didn't change that much.
So we got over to the other side and recovered just fine after that. Matt took to being a daddy like a pro and changed the diapers like he had been doing it his whole life. Now, he thinks I'm crazy (what else is new?) but I say he has a new daddy glow about it. You know how sometimes people look different after they get married, or women get a glow in pregnancy? He got this new look about him as soon as he started to hold his little boy. Pride. Love. Accomplishment. Purpose. I'm sure all of these things and more contribute to this new look he has. See for yourself.....
I'm pretty sure I'm saying "hey buddy! Thanks for coming out of me!!"
Such a cutie!
Welcome home little boy!!
In the onsie my friend Amanda helped me embroider. He's laying on the same blanket that Matt was brought home in from the hospital.
Such a proud daddy!
He's pretty snugly after eating.
First bath. Samson LOVES James so much!! He is fairly protective over James, always watching. And giving kisses.
Mama snuggles after the bath.
We're settling into this parenting thing alright for the time being. We'll see how the next few weeks, months, and years go ;)