So in case you didn't know, we bought a horse trailer last week! Since bringing out the pony, I've been dying to get one so I can start going out on wild adventure, just me, the horse, and the dog! That's the way a girl should be on the trail! I was so excited that I decided to go out as soon as I could. I ended up going last thursday to a wildlife area which was great!! The ride there was not so fun and smooth, poor Rusty looked like he wanted to kill me when I let him off the trailer but the ride was great! My old guy was so happy to be out and roaming free again. He didn't want to turn around to go home after we had been out for about 2 hours; this is unheard of!! This horse was always guaranteed to walk as slowly as possible out and race back home or to the trailer. This time, he was walking full speed ahead onto the trail and there was no looking back! I'm going to shave Joey since it's getting pretty hot out here, then he will get to come on the next ride which will hopefully be either tomorrow or early this week; it's all starting to depend if it gets over 100! Here are some pics of the ride and Rusty's new ride (the trailer). The Sunset pic was taken a little while ago, we went out to feed Rusty and it was beautiful out! Matt even hoped on for a spin!
As for the house stuff, base boards are getting put up and finished today and this week! Soon we'll be able to move our stuff into the house and actually inhabit the whole thing! Whoo hoo!
My constant view on trails!
Whoo hoo!! So happy to be out on my pony!!
Stopping for a rest
Ready to go home!! Such a hard day out on the trail!