October 1, 2011

Sex, Chips, and Ouzo-a Wild Night Out

So yeah....we went to see this play called "Sex, Chips, and Ouzo." It's about post Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1978-four years after the invasion. Basically these two British chicks come to Cyprus on holiday and meet two Cypriot men and the rest is chaos. If you want to read up on it more, check out their website: http://rubberear.wordpress.com/about/ The cool thing about this show was it was at Kourion Amphitheater (check out the Kourion post to see the amphitheater in daylight.) We had heard that it was a "thing" in Cyprus to see a show here so we figured we'd go since we missed their production of Romeo and Juliet.

A walk on the beach, how romantic ;)

Matt strolling along...

Don't we look nice?

So we found a dead fish on the beach, which I didn't think was real, and I wanted to take some pics to examine later to see if it was real (later we found 2 more fish just like the first so I decided it was real.) But some of the photos came out pretty.

I like the lighting on this one. And the fish is smiling!

Yup, we live here.

Since the show was from 1978 you have to throw out a peace sign while posing!

I look a LITTLE tan, right?

There was one scene where the one guy was in a dress and it was HILARIOUS! Especially when he sat down, as displayed below. The audience was pretty rambunctious so there was lots of wolf whistling during this scene.

All in all it was a pretty fun(ny) show. We didn't get a couple of the jokes (not being British and all) but we enjoyed ourselves. Hopefully there will be another show there soon (or at another amphitheater near by) so we can have another fun experience!

September 28, 2011

Finally, the End....

So here we are, the end. The finale. The last installment. We made it back to Paris Friday night and decided to go up to Sacre Couer since we didn't get to make it during the week. It was one of the things I REALLY REALLY wanted to do. And oh man am I glad we did!! We didn't really think about the fact that this is a catholic church that we were visiting on Friday afternoon, yup, right in time for mass! We went inside and walked around a little, during mass, then decided to go into the bell tower since it's supposed to have the best view of the city. Those who told me how amazing it is up there were right-it was fantastic!

What a beautiful basilica!

Up the stairs to the tower!

The walkways at the top-kinda mystical and creepy huh?

Gargoyle almost eating the Eiffle Tower.

Look! I'm squishing the Eiffle Tower!

At the top overlooking the city on a glorious summer day!

After finishing at Sacre Couer we went back to our hotel for the night, ready to see a few more things in the morning before heading off the the airport and home.
From the beginning Matt said he really wanted to see the Arc du Triomphe. So that was where we headed first thing Saturday morning. As it would take more time and money, we didn't go on the top which I was ok with since I had been before.

Take that Napoleon AND Hitler!

Our next stop was to go back to Notre Dame but to go into the bell tower! On the way we walked down the Champs Elysee and by the Louvre. It was such a lovely day and we had a wonderful walk!

We realized we had never gotten a pic in front of the Louvre, so here we are ;)

So after waiting a few hours, yes hours, to go up the bell tower we made it! Matt was having a great time up there. Me? Not so much!

Gargoyles and Notre Dame go hand in hand right?

Great View of the city.

You can see Sacre Couer just off the wing of the gargoyle. And in case you didn't know, this one is photographed A LOT!

In front of the cathedral after descending from the very top. If you look really close you can see people on the top right part of the tower-we were there. Insert me freaking out a little bit.

So there you have it loyal follower(s). An entire 2 weeks of food, culture, art, rain, bikes, and fun with my amazing hubby. We had so much fun! I hope you had fun seeing it and are inspired to go on your own crazy adventures! I can't wait for our next big adventure/trip! But before we go anywhere again, we have a college friend of Matt's coming for a long weekend, I'm off to Portugal with mom to ride fancy horses, mom comes home with me for a week, and then Matt's parents come for a week. Phew! It's about to get really crazy here!