April 14, 2015

Single Digits

So, we are now in the single digits for our baby countdown.

We are just over 9 weeks out from Critter's grand arrival into the world.  Thursday marks 31 weeks knocked up. AHHHH! That's so soon!!

Thankfully,  because I like to be prepared well in advanced, the baby's room is mostly finished.  We've got some finishing touches to do but overall, the room is almost ready to have a baby in it. 

There are some significant factors to being in the single digits apparently.  At this point, if the baby were to come, it would have a 90% chance of survival.  Yes, it would need to be in NICU for a bit probably, and, there could be some slight complications, but it would be alive and could have a thriving life.   We are still going to the midwife every 2 weeks at this point but in just a few short weeks it will be every week for a check to make sure all is in order. And apparently, although I don't think there is much medical evidence for this thought, once you hit the single digits that means it's time to get HUGE and tired!  Kid you not-last night after a very full day, I completely zonked out on the couch at 8:30 and, when I trundled to bed a little later, I was out until 8 this morning. Phew! I must have been tired!!   That part is medically backed-it's time to get tired again. But the exponential growth of baby and belly may not be :/ 

At my sis-in-law's baby shower over the weekend there was much broo ha-ha over the fact that they don't know the gender of the baby.  Matt and I are in the same boat but you know what? It's only increasing the excitement and anticipation of both arrivals. Sarah only has a few more weeks until their little one comes and I for one am DYING to know what that kid is! I've said all along I strongly believe one of us is having a boy and one a girl but it flip flops as to who is having what. One day it's us who is having the boy but then the next day it can be them.  All too soon we shall see if I'm right!

I'm more interested in hearing that they're going to name their kiddo.  I have this weird and irrational fear that we have the same top name picked out for our kids and that if we have the same gender,  Matt and I will have to settle for another name.  I wouldn't put it past us that out of the, literally, millions of names out there, we could choose the same ones now.  Everyone was glad when Benjamin was born because we all liked that name.  I think Matt actually said to me something along the lines of "well there goes a possibility for us." So in some respects I'm more anxious for them to have their baby so I can know the same so I can know if we're in the clear for our name choices.  This is also a reason why I've insisted on having 2 names picked out for each gender. Now if we could only agree on which one is the top choice!