September 11, 2014

13 years....

It almost seems appropriate that we are back in our hometown for the first 9/11 in the states in 4 years.  As I drive around town I see reminders, flags, and sayings; all are heartfelt and true.  "We remember" has become a big slogan in this country; but even though it's only 2 words, those are powerful 2 words.  However, at times it is not easy to remember what happened. It's not easy to remember how many lives were lost, how many more were affected, and how our world is still feeling those affects today.  It's not easy to think about all the troops who have been tirelessly in the middle east for so many years, trying to eradicate evil and terrorism. 

Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe that the whole of the middle east is full of evil and terrorist. We have been there (maybe not Iraq, Syria, and the like).  We have met some very nice people, enjoyed rich and beautiful customs, and had our eyes opened to what is out there. However, there are people who wish to do nothing but destroy those who do not believe or think the same they do; we have that here in our own country.  Regardless, I believe it is important to protect our country.  I believe it is important to help those who wish to have freedom, democracy, and choices in their own country. 

Sadly, this has been and always will be a case of the louder minority overpowering the silent majority.  The silent majority is just as deadly, and responsible, as the loud minority.  We see it here, in what many would claim is the best country in the world. How many times do we see in the headlines that some minority is offended by something here, a cross in a church yard, the American flag hung in a town square, a sign advertising pork on the menu. I believe one of the greatest things of our country is that freedom to choose what you believe and the ability to express it.

I also believe that other countries have the right to not have the same freedoms we do.  I am ok with people wanting to leave those countries to come here, or the UK, or the Netherlands, or Canada, or any other country where tolerance and freedom are a fundamental right.  I am not ok with those people then complaining about those freedoms and differences amongst it's people.  I'm not ok with people coming in and trying to make my country like their country in specific ways but demanding the ideals that they like to remain.  You either come, be willing to accept that there are things you may not like but that you have to be ok with, or you can leave.  I understand that some things I believe offend other people.  But guess what, there are things they believe that offend me.  Do you hear me screaming and crying about it? Do you see me calling a lawyer to sue anyone and everyone I can because I am offended? NO! Because I live in a country that allows us to have differing opinions and that it's ok to. 

I've gotten off onto a tangent-big surprise right?

Here's my point. We say "We remember" but do we really? Maybe for some they only use that slogan in this one specific context of 9/11.  But is that enough? Is it enough to say once a year, we remember that some radical terrorist killed so many and wounded (not just physically but in every other way possible) so many more? Is it enough to sit by quietly while our country tears itself apart into something that no one wants, except the radical terrorists? I realize that most people I associate with are like minded as me, but there are also a fair few who are not. The one thing that is resounding amongst all people, no one is happy with where any of this is going. 

So today, I ask that while you are remembering what this day means to you and how it has shaped you, please also remember how it has shaped the world. How our country has changed so much.  I feel we have gone from one that was powerful and didn't take things laying down to we don't want to offend anyone at any point for being who we are.  Be who you are. If someone is different than you, has different ideals and opinions, that's ok.  Instead of being threatened by them, befriend them to gain a greater understanding.  If we all took the time to at least understand the other person (disclaimer: I do not agree with this when it comes to terrorists.  A terrorist is one who seeks to destroy and create havoc and pain.  There, you now understand them.  Let's get rid of them!) who has a differing opinion than maybe we could live with respect and harmony with one another.  My mama taught me that I didn't have to be best friends with everyone but I had to listen to and respect them.  Let's go back to that ideal for our country and see how great and powerful we can become once again.

April 2, 2014

Long Time Acomin'

So I realize that it's been 4 months since we a: left Cyprus and b: have posted on here.  What can I say, you know I'm not the most consistent in this.  But I am going to try harder, again.  Especially since we have new digs and lots of projects to be working on there will be lots to post! Since I'm already monumentally behind on posting what's happened so far I'm going to bullet-point this one and the following will be normal again.

  • Moving is hard. It was much harder coming back that I anticipated.  As per usual coming back to the states, I got overwhelmed and frustrated going to the store because there are TOO MANY STINKIN OPTIONS in this country! I don't need 15 choices for toothpaste. 3 tops.  And don't even get me started on the cereal aisle.  There were days when I would be in a store and would almost break down crying because I missed home (yes, Cyprus was still home at this point) so much.  Of course there are things I don't miss about it-the driving for one.  But there are so many more things that I do miss (still), mainly our friends, church, and my horse.  I think my heart is still mending from that one.
  • Life is a lot more fast paced here.  Sure things get done in a timely manner but everyone looks so angry a lot of the time. At least here we know why everyone looks angry-they are stressed and crazy. In Cyprus we weren't really sure why they were angry, they just were.
  • Winter is not my friend. OF COURSE we come back to the worst winter in years. OF COURSE the dreaded polar vortex has to arrive when we come back.  Sure we can handle frigid temps and snow for the first 4 months we're back.  We left in jeans and t-shirts and arrived in winter gear.  Sure, that's what I wanted.
  • Joey is getting old.  I think the cold winter had something to do with it but he is starting to show some more signs of arthritis and he gets sore easier than before.  It's hard to watch him turn into an old man but he will be 11 this year.
  • We bought a house.  Scratch that. We bought a farm. Kind of.  One condition of coming back was that we buy horse property and that's just what we did.  We have 15 glorious acres, most is wooded but we can work with that. There is pasture for my ponies (that have yet to be bought/arrive) and we're working on building a barn this spring.
  • Our house is way too big for just the 2 of us.  Seriously.  We wanted something we could grow into easily and we accomplished that. 
  • I will admit, much to my chagrin, that living near family has actually been rather nice at times.  Especially in the project realm.  All Matt has to do it call up a brother (usually Steve) and things get done! Never mind the fact that we will be doing projects until the rapture.
  • I miss our church.  It's always tough getting connected into a community; you have to put yourself out there and hope that they like you.  We have been going to a nice church near by but we haven't determined if it's home yet.  God has been meeting us here which has been a huge blessing. 
  • And the biggest change of all......I'm no longer a trophy wife!! I know! Shock! Dismay! Outrage! Well, maybe not outrage.  I think working part time has really helped to ground me here and make it easier. And the fact that I really like my job helps.  In future there will be funny work stories, I can guarantee it!

That's all for now.  Sorry there are no pictures, I'm having trouble uploading some. Next time.