September 7, 2011

Please Pardon This Interruption from Our Regularly Scheduled Programming.....

So I know I've been going on and on and on and on about our wild trip 2 months (almost 3 now....) ago. I'm not taking a break for your benefit. No, I don't like you that much. Just kidding, I love you all! No I'm straying for this post because of my dear friend Jenny. Yes, Jenny, this one is for you.
Everyone, meet Jenny. She is Scottish (don't hold it against her) and I met her when she so generously showed me around the saddle club. Since then we've been great friends, laughing, arguing, and generally trying to understand what each other is saying. It's tough with these weirdos out here....I mean they have lovely accents that is a joy to hear every day.
Anyway, last weekend a huge group of us from the yard when out for dinner and apparently to drink as much is physically possible (for some folks, not Matt and I). Jenny was in the earlier group. Just kidding. Actually, she can hold her own-she used to be in the British Army and has gone on deployments and traveled a lot and she's in general one tough lady but has the biggest heart of gold you could ever know. Seriously. And she's an overachiever. It's really quite humbling at times. So of course I took my camera along so I could blackmail, I mean document, the nights events.

Hey Jenny. Having fun are we??

This one is respectable. Everyone, this is Nicky (oh the things I could say about her...) and Jenny. This was AFTER the giggling had gotten out of control.

See, out of control giggling. At least by the Brits. I however look fabulous in every shot!

Oh poor Jenny. She just can't help herself.

Now I know this one doesn't include Jenny, but you get why I've added it right?

It's been an interesting experience going out with the Brits. We enjoy it for the most part. Sadly, the more they (and yes I mean they, since we're not drunkards) drink, the harder it gets to understand them. And some of them are quite difficult to understand to begin with.
So there you go Jenny. A whole post dedicated to you!! No more complaining that I've never mentioned you in the blog before.
Don't worry folks, we'll get back to Belgium. The best part is coming up!

1 comment:

Becky (So Very Blessed) said...

I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a video of these accents at some point... ;-)