So, this is what our house looks like at the moment.....
yes...those are boxes....
and boxes and boxes.....
and Planes, Trains, and Automobiles on the TV (it's my traditional Thanksgiving movie!).
What does this mean you ask?? Well, the end is nigh. We're moving. Back to the states. By the end of the month!! WHAT??
It's been a crazy, hectic ride that has been too slow and too fast all at the same time. It started in August when Matt was asked to transfer somewhere in Asia. We didn't want to go but they also asked for a 2-3 year commitment to go there. Matt said he didn't want to be in this job in even 1 year so thanks but no thanks. So they said ok, go for 1 year then. We said fine but that he would start looking for a new job asap. Let the resume flood begin! He sent them to everyone we know and then some. And he started to apply to any and every job that appealed to him. (Also during this time we're told we're going to New Mexico now, not Asia which we liked a little better). Weeks go by without much happening and then BAM! The interviews start rolling until finally offers are made, negotiations happen, and one was accepted.
So where are we going you ask? Back home of course! The best location for Matt's job field is in SO MD where we grew up so that's where he looked the hardest and found the best jobs. Now I know I've always said I didn't want to go back there, I moved away on purpose right? But I've also always said that I would never stand in the way for Matt to get the job that he wants and that if the Lord has us going back, there's nothing I can do to stop it.
So here I am, packing and packing and packing more. I can't believe our time here is over. 3 years went by so quickly, it feels like a blink. I was planning on doing a final blog from here showcasing all the places we visited but I haven't even been able to go through our photos from our last trip from here (Jordan!) to put on here. That was an amazing trip and I WILL get around to putting it up, just AFTER the move and getting our stuff back, so in a few months.
This is also the explanation for putting Harley down. With no one to take him on here and us not being able to take him home, it was the best option for his well being. It's not even been a week yet and I still think every morning that I need to go down to ride and see him. It's getting better but it's still so tough to not be able to see him and spend time with him.
SO look out America! We're coming back!
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