Yes, it's true! It turns out that Huebert is a girl! Joel was laughing at the name and then said, you know the bunny is a girl! I was shocked! And a little sad too; I thought Huebert was the perfect name for it. This also explains why Joel's wife Julie laughed at me too when I said I like Huebert as a name; I guess she shall be Hilldie then!
Now onto maggots! Yes maggots. Matt and I have made the ASTRONOMICAL mistake of keeping ALL our garbage in our garage for the time being. Seeing as we were accumulating so much and most of it was house stuff, paint, nails, dust, etc. we didn't think it would be that big of a deal. However, we were throwing away food stuffs in there too. And it was starting to get stinky. But, we didn't think anything of it. So yesterday mom, Gwynne and I are clearing out the trash to put it outside so we can better organize all our stored stuff in the garage and make the space a little more usable until we could get everything into the house. As we start moving boxes and such I see something squirming on the floor. Also, an important side note, just before seeing said squirmer, we saw a HUGE jumping brown spider scurry across the floor which freaked me out big time and so Gwynne squished it very quickly. So the squirmer on the floor turned out to be a maggot. But is it just a few, oh no! There were TONS, probably a hundred or so inching their way across the ENTIRE garage floor, trying to run away from us. It reminded me of the movie "Flushed Away" with the slugs inching their way away from the sewer lines yelling "run away." In that sense it made the situation a little more comical and also made me want to watch the movie so I could get a good laugh out of the whole thing.
To say it was disgusting is an understatement. So we got ant killer and wasp killer to see if we could just spray them to death; no such luck. Apparently maggots are resiliant little suckers who don't like to die! So then we resolve to just vaccum them up with the shop vac. However, they are also stuck (or hiding) in the cracks in the floor so we have to sweep them out of hiding before sucking them up. Honestly, we spent probably a good 2-3 hours scouring the entire garage looking and sucking up all the little maggots before calling it good and eating lunch. The up side to this is that the garage is very clean and orderly now and everything is pretty easily accessable. The down side, that I had to tackle maggots in my house for 2 hours. Thankfully mom and Gwynne were here to help because I was thourough grossed out. And ironically I was a little sad that we had killed the massive spider, because he was probably eating the maggots. But it's ok, they are all, maggots and spider, gone. Well, I figure we got 99% of the maggots; there are a few still lodged in the cracks and refuse to come out at all. Don't worry, I will be armed and ready with a vaccum cleaner at all times, ready to combat any more of those nasty little creatures.
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