June 19, 2009

New Floors!! Some gardening and Joey gets a bath!

so we've been pretty busy here lately! Matt has finished putting in the hard wood floor and it looks amazing! Once again, my pictures do not do them any justice! You all will just have to come visit and see for yourselves! We need to sand and paint the trim still before putting it back on so there is some work to be done, of course. But, the bulk part is done which is good! No more concrete floors to be walking around on! We also washed the car and gave Joey a bath! His first at the new house; of course he looks miserable but he truly likes it!
Also, I planted some more stuff! I'm loving that I get to put plants in the ground and watch them grow!! I planted a butterfly bush and honeysuckle in the back (and put some pansies to fill the space for now, they'll die which is fine cause hopefully my bushes will grow nice and big quickly!). Also, we put in a little veggie garden! My parents graciously lent us their rototiller so we churned up some ground so we could plant some veggies! SO excited!! There are 2 tomato plants (cherry and big boy), cucumber, zuccini, strawberry, pumpkin, and squash! That is what I'm planting in the pics below-this was also to document what I'm starting to look like these days; in the dirt, sunburned, and with my fun gardening hat on! I look like a little old lady already! And of course Joey is always by my side.
So this is the progress we've made so far. Once we get the trim up then we'll finally get our area rugs and furniture in and we'll actually be able to live in that space!! We've been joking that our bedroom is like a loft apartment since we have our couch and tv in here so we can watch movies and play the playstation until we get the living room taken care of. We also eat our meals in here. Can not wait until we get the table in the dining room! So that's the update for now; hopefully more to come soon!

Eric, this one is for you!

1 comment:

Becky (So Very Blessed) said...

That floor looks incredible! And I'm loving the hat, Lyns!